McKinley Insights

January 2011 Digest

Written by McKinley Advisors | Jan 21, 2011 3:47:49 PM

Written by Rachel Friedmann, MA, MSM, former Senior Business Development and Marketing Manager

From our January 2011 McKinley Matters:

New iPhones, new Social Media sites. A lot has happened so far in 2011. We have been staying current with some of the more compelling articles and blog postings related to the ongoing evolution of digital marketing. Here’s a synopsis:

From Forbes to Social Fish, everyone is talking about Quora. As a topics-oriented tool, many have found it to be useful in sharing and monitoring information and advice on topics. It will be interesting to see if the association community embraces Quora as one more way to share ideas and information among members. I recently tried it out and have found it slightly difficult to navigate. Although, I may be one of the few since it has exploded in popularity over the last few weeks.

Are you LinkedIn? I agree with the countless articles that boast LinkedIn as the tool to use for business. Having been an active user for a while, I have encouraged my co-workers to follow suit. I recently received my weekly LinkedIn update and was happy to see a link to download a LinkedIn app on my Blackberry! If you are interested, here is the link and feel free to find me on LinkedIn. For those that want some quick tips on optimizing their LinkedIn profile, check out this article on Mashable.

And last, but not least, Verizon recently announced the iPhone is coming to their carrier. As a long time Apple user and Verizon customer, I had been waiting for this day to come and watched news outlets carefully. I have to admire the innovative ways of reporting the press announcement, which included live blogging on the New York Times website. In addition, many news sources were very quick to come out with commentary about the pros and cons for the iPhone coming to Verizon. For those who are tech savvy and want the nitty gritty details check out Mashable’s article.