McKinley Insights

McKinley Advisors Launches New Website

Written by Jay Younger, FASAE | Apr 25, 2018 9:13:13 PM

Adaptability is key when it comes to navigating changes within the association landscape. Member and market needs are shifting, and technology and consumer needs are evolving at a seemingly unprecedented pace. Throughout such transformations, your association requires the latest resources, high-quality data and a reliable, trusted partner to continually achieve your mission.

As the leading research and strategy firm in the association industry, McKinley Advisors has had to adapt to several unique marketplace changes since we first began this venture 25 years ago. Over the years, we have strived to serve as a catalyst for association success through a range of services designed to advance initiatives, face challenges and, ultimately, to grow alongside our clients. To ensure that our growth continues to align with and compliments yours, we are launching a new website to make our best services and resources more readily accessible to you and your association.

We worked with a number of our current clients to incorporate their feedback on the kind of design that would align with their needs and their views of McKinley’s identity as a whole. We asked questions like: “What are the biggest challenges your association faces in 2018?” and “What type of content would you like to see more of on the McKinley website?”

I hope you will take a few minutes to explore our new website to see how your input helped design and shape the content. You will notice key changes for a more user-friendly environment that better represents our values, our people and what we can do for you. With this new website, we intentionally reframed our core services to reflect the wide array of needs that associations are seeking. These redefined service areas include:

We also made a point to emphasize the diverse backgrounds of our team, accentuate our latest findings and tips through the McKinley Insights blog, and feature resources like case studies, research reports and other materials to help your association assess and benchmark its work based on sound data and past McKinley discoveries.

We hope that our new website further showcases our steadfast commitment to mission-driven associations like yours and that it will serve as a tool for navigating and overcoming the current and future challenges within the industry.

We invite you to explore our new website today and contact McKinley Advisors to talk about which service areas could help drive your association’s needs.